2024 Hawaii Training Camp

Payment for people with spots already booked for the Hawaii training camp. Please contact Andy if you aren't on the list already.

Summer 2024 Berzerkers Training Camp

6th-12th grade students looking to take their wrestling to the next level.

T/W/Th from 2-4:30pm, July 9th to July 31st.

All practices/competitions will be at LSSD schools.


Fall 2024 Slammers Little League Wrestling

2nd-5th grade students. Slammers is a recreational league. Newcomers are encouraged.

Students will compete on an assigned little league team against other competitors from LS.

Sept 16th to Oct 26th, 2024. Practices twice a week M/W or T/Th (you will be assigned a time slot) between 5:00-7:30pm and competitions Saturdays from 9-noon.

All practices/competitions will be at LSSD schools.

Learn teamwork, communication, resilience, respect, confidence, discipline, honesty, patience, perseverance, and more!


Coached by
LSHS wrestlers in cooperation with a mentor/key parent. Parents will manage the team and HS students will coach technique and drills.

2024-2025 Junior Vikings 4th to 8th Grade (Plus Former Slammers)

New wrestlers (3 years experience or less) in 4th through 8th grade.

Athletes looking to take the next step in their wrestling career.

Nov 18th 2024 to Feb 4th 2025. Two practices a week, with tournaments county wide.

Cultivate qualities like goal setting, resilience, hard work, respect, confidence, discipline, honesty, patience, perseverance, and more!


Future Opportunities

2024 Tykes Wrestling

Tykes offers the opportunity for K-2nd graders to experience wrestling in a fun and developmentally age-appropriate environment.

We are finalizing dates, but expect the season to run from mid September to late October. Early registration is available below.

Register now

Scholarships available

If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, please email us to receive a scholarship code to reduce your registration fees.

Legendary coaching. Positive impact.

Looking back on my youth, I am extremely grateful for the mental toughness, determination, grit, and resilience my teammates and I developed through wrestling. Was it hard physically and mentally? Yes, of course, and thankfully. However, this was one of the most influential parts of my life that helped me be successful as a baseball player, parent, husband, member of my community, and now coach.

As we look around at other student athletes in our program, many of these young men were multi sport athletes in hight school. Building a competitive nature, learning more about the body, training different movements, and picking yourself up when you fail, are all big keys to having a successful collegiate baseball career. These are all things I learned, and we all can learn, from wrestling.

The legendary coaches from Lake Stevens High School, Lake Stevens Middle School, and the Lake Stevens Wrestling Club are transformational to so many, and family to me. I strongly encourage all that are able to get involved in the sport of wrestling. Especially in the area that raised me of Lake Stevens.

Mitchell Canham Head Baseball Coach - OSU

Isaac Gust, a 2019 Lake Stevens wrestling graduate.

Lake Stevens wrestling has turned me into the Division 1 football player I am today.

Wrestling has given me an immeasurable amount of mental strength and mobility.

During the recruiting process the first question all D-1 college coaches asked me was what other sports do I participate in. When I told them I was a wrestler their eyes lit up like they just saw fireworks. College football coaches want their future players to wrestle. Wrestling brings with it a toughness and grit that can't be mimicked anywhere else. Want to play college football? Do what I did and wrestle at Lake Stevens!

Devin Kylany Offensive Lineman - WSU